
The Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore and Taiwan-based ASUS Intelligent Cloud Services have co-developed an AI-powered software, Blade, that automates the identification of peripheral blood cells in laboratories.


According to TTSH, peripheral blood films are traditionally reviewed by a laboratory technologist using light microscopy. It is said that the method is labour intensive and can be subjected to human fatigue.

“By assisting laboratory technologists and haematologists with the reporting of peripheral blood films, Blade aims to accelerate the overall review duration by 50%, thus translating into better productivity and faster diagnosis,” it said in a statement.

Blade was developed using a dataset of nearly 400,000 digital images of peripheral blood cells. It has achieved a 91.4% accuracy for classifying white blood cells.

Read the HealthcareITNews article here: Tan Tock Seng Hospital develops AI support tool for blood disease diagnosis with ASUS | Healthcare IT News
Journalist: Adam Ang

Learn more about ASUS Blade

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